- Service+ Lite
- 軟體版本 : 3.6.48 (Intel)
- 軟體分類 : 5架站工具 (伺服器管理)
- 語言介面 : 英文
- 作業系統 : Windows Server
- 軟體性質 : 免費軟體
- 使用限制 : 請見說明
- 檔案大小 : 666 KB
- 官方網站 : Active+ Software
- 點閱次數 : 16,817下載次數 : 2,183
- 更新時間 : 2002/12/25 下午 03:31:11
v3.6.48 20-May-2003
Corrected: The service executable path validation was failing when parameters were specified.
Corrected: The computer name field is no longer limited to 15 characters. Therefore it is now possible to enter an ip address or a fully qualified domain name
v3.6.47 19-Dec-2002
Changed: Service+ toolbar buttons are now flat.
Corrected: Garbage displayed when editing access denied service properties.
Corrected: Crash when entering a service description longer then 259 characters.
Corrected: Service list was not properly refreshed when applying changes on service configuration.
Corrected: Toolbar buttons were not updated when applying changes on service configuration.
Corrected: Service dependents list was never updated in the list view.
Corrected: When service dependencies were modified, group dependencies were lost.
Corrected: Service Program existence was not verified when changing the executable path.
系統需求: *Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 *500 KB of hard disk space *Versions are available both for Intel and Alpha.
中 OBS Studio 31.0.0 安裝版 for 64-bit
直觀的音訊混合器擁有針對單個源的過濾器例如噪音門限,噪音抑制以及增益。 完美支援VST插件。
強大且易用的設定選項。 增加新的源,複製現有的,以及輕而易舉地調整它地屬性。
精簡的設定面板用於快速設定您的直播或錄製。 輕鬆地在不同的設定之間切換。
中 AnyBurn Free 6.3 安裝版 for 64-bit